Reputationsmanagement für UHNWI

Für Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (UHNWI) ist ein makelloser Ruf von unschätzbarem Wert. Unser maßgeschneiderter Ansatz stellt sicher, dass Ihre Reputation stets auf höchstem Niveau bleibt. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere Expertise, um Ihren guten Namen zu schützen und zu fördern.

Plötzlich super Reich?

Plötzlicher Reichtum bringt sowohl Chancen als auch Herausforderungen mit sich. Wir beraten Sie fachkundig bei der Finanzplanung, den steuerlichen Auswirkungen und der Diversifizierung Ihrer Anlagen. Unsere Dienstleistungen umfassen den Schutz der Privatsphäre, Beziehungsmanagement und Anpassungen des Lebensstils, um das Gleichgewicht zu wahren. Emotionale Unterstützung und Nachlassplanung sind ebenfalls wichtige Bestandteile unseres ganzheitlichen Ansatzes. Lassen Sie uns Ihnen helfen, diesen Übergang mit Zuversicht und Sicherheit zu meistern.

UHNWI Coaching


Information according to § 5 TMG:

Owner: Mark Pfeil
Address: Leonbergerstraße 1, 71263 Weil der Stadt
Telephone: +49 1590 6727970
E-mail: kevin(at)
Tax-ID: DE347478247

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV

Mark Pfeil 

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As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these pages in accordance with Section 7 (1) TMG (German Telemedia Act) and general legislation. According to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, however, we as a service provider are not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information in accordance with general legislation remain unaffected by this. However, liability in this respect is only possible from the time of knowledge of a specific infringement. As soon as we become aware of such infringements, we will remove this content immediately

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Our website contains links to external third-party websites over whose content we have no influence. Therefore, we cannot accept any liability for this third-party content. The respective provider or operator of the pages is always responsible for the content of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked for possible legal violations at the time of linking. Illegal content was not recognizable at the time of linking. However, permanent monitoring of the content of the linked pages is not reasonable without concrete evidence of an infringement. If we become aware of any legal infringements, we will remove such links immediately


The content and works created by the site operators on these pages are subject to German copyright law. Duplication, processing, distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright law require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this site are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. Insofar as the content on this site was not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are respected. In particular, third-party content is identified as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, please inform us accordingly. If we become aware of any infringements, we will remove such content immediately. We will take legal action against copyright infringements, the unauthorized distribution of texts, images, videos and sound recordings from our site. 


Every business partner who works with us is obliged to officially inform the customer if he himself acquires orders in our name. Our partners are also prohibited from acquiring orders in our name, advertising or creating the impression that a collaboration with us exists and from acting on their own account. A business partner of ours will always behave correctly and will not make any false statements. We confirm to interested parties and customers every official business partner. We ask interested parties and customers to inform us if there is any suspicion that someone is violating this principle.



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